Welcome to Guitar Lessons Dorset


Individual and group Tuition.
Lessons for Electric Guitar,
Lessons for Acoustic Guitar, and Classical Guitar,
Lessons for Bass Guitar, in Poole, Bournemouth, Dorset.

Lessons with Stan Cesarz  Musical Director/Guitar Tuition Specialist

Individual instrumental tuition is what we offer.

The most effective way and really the best way to learn any musical instrument is when you are most comfortable, in your own home and therefore able to fully concentrate on your study. This way there is also no need for travel to an unfamiliar studio, having to deal with the trafic/journey/additional costs etc.

For more information please visit :-  www.guitarlessonspoole.co.uk

Group tuition is also available. This has its own merits and it can create a start that otherwise might not have happened. Other activities like ensemble playing help develop existing skills, are good fun and set the musician up for improved future musical performance. For more information regarding group/workshop tuition

                  please visit our site:-       www.dorsetguitars.co.uk

To arrange/enquire about a lesson now

please press the picture and fill out the form.

Your details are not passed on to anyone outside our team

The Program

The first target must be for the student to equip himself/herself with the right “tools” to make music. This has to be based on a classical approach, but be open enough to be able to combine modern music as required.
Reading music we know is essential, however being able to “busk” playing guided by ear, is also important. So an all round knowledge of music and proficiency on this instrument is what we strive for, with a future aim maybe to specialise in a chosen style.
Progression can be further improved by more deliberate attention to the practice routine. Preparation for external graded exams is recommended for a step by step measure of achievement and progression. Joining a workshop class, as mentioned above, in addition to formal lessons speeds progress and is of course great fun and highly recommended.

Main Aims :-
1.To develop playing skills.
2.To practise pieces to a performance level.
3.To increase your awareness of music in general and other instruments.
4.To study different styles of music.
5.Above all to have fun with music and always strive to improve.

Study Plan
At an early stage it will be in your interest to discuss your requirements / aspirations and devise a study plan in order to reach your goal. Work cannot be avoided, however by planning the student will know what is expected and be more effective.

External Examinations
Preparation for examinations by “TrinityGuildhall” for classical guitar and “Rockschool” for electric guitar and bass, are offered where required. Exams are held locally for your convenience. The syllabus for these respected examinations forms part of the work students undertake in their studies.
For exam results, current pass rate, please visit either the results page or the relevant newsletters page at -


Whether you are a beginner or a more experienced player, there is always room for improvement and it is never too late to start. With a teacher the learning process is just so much quicker and more enjoyable. Please give as much information as possible when discussing your requirements or submitting your application.

Equipment (Minimum Requirements)
All guitarists should have an acoustic guitar. Preferably a classical guitar (nylon strings). Electric guitarists should have a basic instrument and a small amplifier.
The amplifier should have a reverb and a gain control feature.
Bass players will need their own guitar and small amplifier. Advice regarding suitable instruments and amplification etc, is given free.
For any special instruments purchases please seek advice. Although SJC and Dorset Guitars are totally independent, buying power is enhanced through the name, mainly due to the volume of products students have bought. Please make contact.

Further Information :  enquiries@dorsetguitars.co.uk

Professional Tuition.
Stan Cesarz is a Professional Musician, with over thirty years experience in the Music Business.
He performs on Guitar and keyboard instruments, and is a tutor at a number of Dorset Schools.
He teaches Guitar (classical and electric), Bass Guitar and Keyboards and runs a busy private practice. His students register number is approx. 200 students, seen face to face weekly. This takes serious organisation, however SJC feels that this vast contact is of benefit, and that knowledge of the learning experience is passed to all.
His diverse musical experience has taken him through countless bands and small orchestras, to running choirs. He was Choirmaster at the Sacred Heart Church (Bournemouth) for many years.
He has written much music for various instruments and feels that his writing and arranging skills showcase his musicianship. His enthusiasm for most things musical is catching, and always, just a little inspiring .

If examinations are a measure of success, then it must be stated that currently Stan Cesarz’s exam pass rate is 96%. This is based on TrinityGuildhallclassical guitar and Rockschool electric and bass guitar exams. (The pass rate has been virtually the same for the past 10 years). More information on exam results can be found on the newsletter pages at www.dorsetguitars.co.uk.
If entry to further education in music is a measure of success, then again many students have progressed onwards to Higher Education/ University. (Recently)-
Matt Cvijan, who has just completed his A Levels, has accepted an offer at the Bass Institute London. He will start a degree in bass guitar in the Autumn.
Matt started his studies with SJC at Winton Boys School Bournemouth and has progressed through the Rockschool Bass Grades. He currently plays in an excellent local band, "Groove Deep". He is joined there by another of SJC's students Jordan Gray. Watch out for them !!
Matt Lee (bass guitarist grade 8) is studying for a Degree in Bass Guitar at The Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford.
Owen Potter (bass guitarist grade 8) is studying for a Degree in Music at Bournemouth University.
Tom Cheetham & Nick Stringer (both guitarists grade 8) both playing with local musicians and bands, continue their studies on the electric guitar.
Many students have won competitions and scholarships with their musical skills.

Perhaps more important than any of the above, SJC's experienced students do chose to continue to study, while working in various groups/bands and through their music studies have learnt a discipline for life.

Tuition Fees
The fee for individual instrumental tuition in your own home, has just been adjusted (March 2010). This was last increased (December’05), then as now ,it was mainly due to increased transport costs etc. The fee is not liable to change as a matter of course. It will be held firm for as long as possible to allow you to budget for your investment. (Please enquire)

Terms and conditions (please read)
I confirm that (since Dec.’94) I do not give credit for any missed lessons, unless 6 weeks prior notice is given. I will assume that the student will take two weeks holiday at Christmas and Easter and four weeks summer holiday (these are not chargeable). No lessons will be given during half term breaks unless previously agreed.
The main reasons for this course of action and why I must keep to this policy are as follows:- If we agree a time for you or your child's lessons, that time is reserved for you (whether or not you make use of it). I am normally on a circular route with my calls and cannot rearrange my time to fill a gap, if you cancel a lesson.
You or your child will benefit from regular instruction, just like the regular practice that should be undertaken daily. If I am away or miss any lesson, I will of course give you full credit for the lesson, if we cannot agree a rearranged day/time.
You have the added advantage in this arrangement, in that you are not travelling for the lesson, saving time and money.
No notice is required if you wish to discontinue lessons. Please be assured that I am committed to your successful progress and I will always endeavour to keep you happy.

Further Information
For further information regarding any matter relating to guitars, or just a chat, please do not hesitate to make contact. Emailing through this web site is the best way to make a first contact, we will respond as soon as possible.

email :-   enquiries@dorsetguitars.co.uk

Phone :-  075 83 83 83 15

Fresh Air Music Services
Committed to quality in music.
for more information visit


For Guitar, Bass Guitar Lessons

in Poole, in Bournemouth, Dorset, UK.

  This site is copyright © 2013 Fresh Air Music Services


Fresh Air Music © 2013